Monday 26 February 2007


Monday, Febuary 26, 2007

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of the novel make you feel?

I think the climax of this novel is oneday, Simon had dream, the dream was nightmare. There was monster and it wants to kill Simon, it kept followed him and kept looked him, so Simon tried to ran away and hidded to forest, then he lost the way. but fortunately wake up. then he told about that dream to every his friends, his friends doesn't believed him, and laughed at him, Simon began liar, he disapointed to his friends and he doesn't want a be a liar. Next day, Simon disapperared, so his friends started serched him and the big happen began.

This novel makes me feel strange. because after I read this story I naver thought about this kind of story. This is kind of ridiculous. because after Simon had bad dream, he disappeared next day. so that I kind of confuse now.

1 comment:

Sari said...

oneday = one day
hidded = hidden
disapointed = disappointed
serched = searched
naver = never